1, 为人踏实,工作认真负责。
Must be down to earth , have a strong sense of responsibility , a strong will and Persistence .
2, 英语水平四级以上, 有良好的沟通能力, 善于翻译情感类信件更佳!
Good at English writing and speaking. Good Communicating ability . Prefer to be good at writing loving poems and letters .
3, 头脑灵活,反应能力快。打字速度快。
Be flexiable , can type English word fast.
4, 能在承受压力下工作。女生优先考虑,相貌端正。性格外向, 了解西方文化!
Can work under pressure. Ladies first , should be positive , modern (not conservative) female. Well known of Western Culture and people .
待遇(Salary ):
2500-8000/月视个人能力而定。可兼职,最好自己有laptop . Depends on Personal ability . Can be part time job , better you have a laptop .